  • No monthly prescriber subscription fees!

  • Test for NewRXs only or others (Renewals, Cancel, Change, Histories, etc.)

  • Only NCPDP SCRIPT20170715 US standards for ePrescribing are used.

  • No DEA prescriber application audit needed if you don’t route narcotics.

  • NO micromanaging your user’s interface! You do you, and we’ll do us!

  • Easy to use Testing Tools at your fingertips.

  • Documentation is a step-by-step guide for a fast go live outcome.

  • Support includes getting a real person, with real answers, real fast.

  • Pharmacy directory included with 24-hour flags and more.

  • Drug database included is easy to use for your UI and NewRx fields.

  • APIs to manage many prescribers or dashboard to manage a few.

  • Access the cert testing dashboard as long as you have an account.

  • Testing tools can also prepare you for other types of certifications.

  • Customize your test plan for self-testing.

  • Patient programs that diminish prescriber’s involvement in pharmacy selections.

Compare All 3 with Prices

Drug Database: This is WENO's version of the RxNorm's RXTerms Drug Data base with additional codes that are missing from RXTerms which you will need in order to complete the fields necessary for ePrescribing on your own screens (UI). It also includes ingredients for each prescribable drug in US for allergy checks and the ONCHIGH drug to drug interactions. Click here to see the sample excel file with 3 sheets that give you an overview of the product & how to use it. Monthly updates are only available to existing EHR API partners that are registered on WENO's cert or live dashboard. It comes with NO WARRANTIES expressed or implied. Your EHR can use it for any number of prescribers using your platform(s). IT IS NON-REFUNDABLE.

HIPPA Simplified: WENO provides an easy to edit Security Policy and Procedure Manual that will make HIPAA compliance a breeze. Chapters are organized by the HIPAA regulations. It comes with forms to use or improve upon. Compliance for small practices and companies becomes more grueling when you have manuals that are over 1000 pages. This cuts out all the fluff and gets to the point. It comes with a kick off orientation online meeting and 6 months of email support but no warranties expressed or implied and no refunds after it is delivered. The document is delivered in word format for easy editing.

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WENO Online Launch


WENO Online Launch
