(OpenEMR ready)
Lowest ePrescribing fees in the USA!
Test for NewRXs only or others (Renewals, Cancel, Change, Histories, etc.)
Only NCPDP SCRIPT20170715 US standards for ePrescribing are used.
No DEA prescriber application audit needed if you don’t route narcotics.
NO micromanaging your user’s interface! You do you, and we’ll do us!
Easy to use Testing Tools at your fingertips.
Documentation is a step-by-step guide for a fast go live outcome.
Support includes getting a real person, with real answers, real fast.
Pharmacy directory included with 24-hour flags and more.
Drug database included is easy to use for your UI and NewRx fields.
APIs to manage many prescribers or dashboard to manage a few.
Access the cert testing dashboard as long as you have an account.
Testing tools can also prepare you for other types of certifications.
Customize your test plan for self-testing.
Patient programs that diminish prescriber’s involvement in pharmacy selections.

Lowest ePrescribing fees in the USA.
Test for NewRXs only or others as you determine (Renewals, Cancel, Change, Histories, etc.)
NCPDP SCRIPT 20170715 latest approved US standards for ePrescribing are used.
Offer EPCS without your DEA prescriber application audit – WENO Online’s is used.
NewRxs are formed on your side but reviewed/signed/sent on WENO Online’s!
Easy to use Testing Tools at your developer’s fingertips.
Documentation is a step-by-step guide organized for the fastest go live outcome.
Outstanding support includes getting a real person, with real answers, real fast.
Pharmacy directory included with rich information like 24-hour flags and more.
Our low-cost drug database is easy to use and all you need for your UI & NewRxs fields.
APIs to manage many prescriber/locations or dashboard to manage a few.
Downstream client billing reports available.
Rights to the certification & testing dashboard continue, even after you go live.
Our testing tools prepare you for other types of certifications you may need
Customize your test plan for self-testing.
Free patient empowering programs available that remove or diminish the prescriber’s involvement in the pharmacy selection process.

(OpenEMR ready)
This integration uses WENO Online’s DEA 1311.120 audited stand-alone for prescribers to send DEA controlled and non-controlled eRxs. Your ePrescriptions are routed by WENO’s intermediary service (it competes with Surescripts).
OpenEMR v7.02+ has integrated this solution into its core.
To sign up go to  ONLINE.WENOEXCHANGE.COM & select EHR EZ integration service. Login & navigate to the developer’s page. EHRs will find a guide and OpenEMR 7.02 or later users will find an easy SET UP document that must be followed. To learn more see the information below.
- Lowest ePrescribing fees in the USA – we are the network.
- Integration means no manual patient entry required for ePrescribing.
- OpenEMR has this Integration in it’s core – no coding required – only set up.
- A patient’s medication records can update without manual entry.
- Easy JSON calls for IFRAMEs need to ePrescribe.
- Easy JSON calls for pharmacy directory (included).
- No expensive drug database required.
- Our ePrescribing screens are clean and easy to use without training.
- We fully support the end users – using our screens.
- No expensive DEA prescriber application audit required to support EPCS.
- Documentation is a step-by-step guide organized for the fastest go live outcome.
- Outstanding support includes getting a real person, with real answers, real fast.
- APIs to manage many prescriber/locations or dashboard to manage a few.
- Downstream client billing reports available.
- Free patient empowering programs available that remove or diminish the prescriber’s involvement in the pharmacy selection process.
- No fee to sign up for EZ integration and begin testing in TEST MODE.
- Self-test and go live on your schedule.