WENO Online
Lowest cost ePrescribing solution in USA (including for ePrescribing controlled drugs).
International prescriber options (contact us first).
Terminate your account anytime – but understand there are no refunds.
Easy to use screens that make ePrescribing fast.
Access to 2 years of records anytime.
Other “free” users can “tee up” RXs for prescribers to sign.
ePrescribe diabetic supplies and compound drugs as well.
Free announcements to local pharmacies – if requested.
It’s online, so access your account from any device.
Rx Logs keep you informed of latest status.
Patient programs that keep them informed of eRx status.
Advertisements display to all users. An ad free upgrade is available for all users.
Integration options are available to all EHRs and prescriber software applications.
Award winning support – talk to real people.
Pharmacies should do the needful to connect to WENO so, 1st & foremost, patient care is not delayed & also to meet state & federal ePrescribing & EPCS mandates.
WENO’s eRx network offers all pharmacies a free WENO Online account to be connected until their PBM gets connected.
WENO Online is a DEA compliant pharmacy web based eRx application that legally imports the unaltered electronic data file of prescriptions you receive from WENO prescribers, including those for narcotics.
Register at online.wenoexchange.com or follow the registration instructions faxed when a WENO prescriber sends you an eRx.
We do offer the options of merging single pharmacy accounts into 1 WENO Online Chain Account for easier management. Corporations should contact us to learn more about this type of account.
- A DEA 1311.205 compliant pharmacy stand-alone ePrescribing application.
- Single pharmacy accounts are free.
- CHAIN Pharmacy accounts can effectively manage all stores from a single account.
- Can receive ePrescriptions from WENO prescribers right after registration.
- Convenient human readable version of eRx are faxed for further process without log in.
- Easily respond to a CancelRx ( An Illinois requirement).
- Your pharmacy is seen as WENO connected & featured in WENO’s pharmacy directory.
- Use as a bridge software until your software connects to WENO’s ePrescribing network.
- Secure messaging included.
- No training required. It’s very easy to use.
- Award winning support – talk to a real person.
- Secure messaging looks and feels like using regular email
- Attaching large documents is no problem
- All you need is somebody’s email address to send them a secure message.
- Personal accounts ONLY have secure messaging (no ePrescribing)
- All other accounts can ePrescribe & use secure messaging.
Other Services
WENO offers a Drug Database. Check them out
Keep in Touch
- info@wenoexchange.com
- support@wenoexchange.com
- 1-877-890-3726
2025 Guadalupe St. 260
Austin, TX 78705